Friday, July 30, 2021

Enhance Productivity for Big Success

Prepare before getting started

Productivity doesn’t just happen “in the moment.”

It happens long before you even sit down and get to work. The more you prepare ahead of time, and get clear on exactly what it is you want, need, or should do, the easier and faster you will move once you start. 

The reason why so many people struggle with “being productive” is because they skip this step, and when they sit down, they expect to start flying even though they haven’t even decided where it is they want to fly to.

Turn off all distractions

It doesn’t take a genius to realize that every time your phone buzzes, your e-mail pops up on your screen, your office door opens, your train of thought is ruined. We like to believe we can both participate in a group chat via text and write our best-selling novel, but the truth is, we can’t — and to think we can is wishful and naive.


Your best work comes in silence. It’s why people retreat and take vacations away from the bus(i)yness of life — to distance themselves from distraction.

Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned elements, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator-Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive a Free download of this book by Clicking this Link


Create a Routine

It is said the best musicians, athletes, innovators, etc., follow a daily routine that trains their subconscious to know when it is time to work and when it is time to relax. There is absolutely something to be said for always practicing at the same time, or always going to the gym at the same time, or always writing at the same time, every day. You train yourself to know, as soon as that hour strikes, to fall into that mode of focus required to do your best work.


Share your work – for Feedback

Maybe you are one of those professionals that never want to share or talk about anything being worked upon. You may think it was “bad luck” or would take you out of your flow. And I’ll admit, there are those moments when your ideas are best left to ruminate in your own head, but you should not be hesitant to share what you’re working on. 

Feedback is extremely important, and a lot of time can be saved by a single conversation where someone points out, very clearly, something that isn’t “working.” It might not be easy to hear in the moment, but you will be thankful for it later.


Take Breaks 

Again, being “productive” does not necessarily mean sitting still for eight straight hours. You might be able to swing that for a day or two, but you are not a robot. You will burn out. Productivity is all about flow. It’s about knowing your limits and being conscious of how to move within your own constraints.

Maybe you need to take 10-minute breaks after every 50 minutes of focus.

Great. Do that. 

Or maybe you can work for four hours no problem, but then you need to take the afternoon before diving into another four-hour work session at night.

Great. Do that.

Do what works for you, and you only. This isn’t about being productive based on someone else’s habits or way of doing things. This is about knowing yourself, and using your habits to your advantage.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Attention to Details as a Job Skill

If you’re in the job market, chances are you’ve come across plenty of job descriptions where the requirements say something like, “must have attention to detail,” or some iteration of that phrase. Some of you might even have this desirable quality listed as a punchy bullet point on your resume.

Attention to detail continues to top the list for desirable qualifications because it clearly sets up expectations on both sides. You know what a prospective employer wants, and said employer also knows what you can bring to the table. Employees who have exceptional attention to detail, frequently require less supervision, and they don’t tend to make costly mistakes.  
Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned elements, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator - Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive a Free download of this book by Clicking this Link
According to experts, poor attention to detail not only impacts the individual but the organization as well. We live and work in a world where change and innovation are happening at a pace never before seen. It is easy to get sloppy when a lot is being thrown at you and where you are expected to make speedy decisions.
The result of not focusing enough attention on the details can be devastating professionally, and they will also have an impact on the company you work for. If “attention to detail” falls into your “weaknesses category”, and you skip over certain job descriptions for that reason, there are things you can do to improve it.
Get Organized 
Whether it’s your calendar, your emails, or even your desk, one of the first steps to sharpening your attention to detail is to get organized. Knowing what’s on your calendar for the week ahead will ensure that you don’t miss any important deadlines or meetings. Moreover, managing your inbox and clearing out digital clutter will allow you to prioritize what’s important. 

Make Lists 

This may sound like a cliché, no brainer because everyone does it — but that’s probably because it works. The good news is, it’s as easy as it sounds. Make a list of what you need to accomplish and check each item off as you complete it. And don’t think this is an amateur move. Everyone (even surgeons and pilots) needs a list, a well-designed checklist will lead to better outcomes.

Focus – Don’t Try To Multitask 

Attention is a finite internal resource, and research tells us time and again that multitasking is a myth and we’re not really good at it. While multitasking is often glorified, the truth is it splits our focus and diminishes our attention to detail. To maintain your focus, refer to your list (remember) and focus on one task at a time. 

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Three Things to Sacrifice for Big Success

Good things come from sacrifice. If you want what you’ve never had, you must do what you’ve never done. It’s to start sacrificing the right things so you can have a better future. Don’t let anyone define success but you. Stop being “busy,” and start being focused.

Spend your time wisely because many things want your attention and energy. Make sure they’re the right things. 

Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned elements, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator-Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive a Free download of this book by Clicking this Link


Take a look at the 3 topmost things that can define and secure a better future for you, professionally and personally:  


1. Other people’s definition of successAt some point, you have to realize that you have to give up other people’s definition of success. This is one of the most difficult things to give up because it is so deeply embedded in our cultural narratives that it becomes the standard by which we measure our lives. Even as entrepreneurs we have collectively agreed that fame and fortune are the markers of success.

But, giving up other people’s definition of success is incredibly liberating and ultimately leads to the fullest expression of who you are and what matters to you.


It’s not a one-time thing. It’s a daily habit of comparing less and creating more. “Success” doesn’t just mean what the larger mob of society says it means: lots of money, fame, and fortune. Many people with fame, fortune, and money have terribly empty, imbalanced lives. Your success isn’t defined by what other people say. No one can define your success but you. If you continue to let others tell you what success is, you’ll never reach it. Even if you did, it wouldn’t be a true success, because it’s not what you really valued.


2. Busyness. The saying goes, “The most successful people I know are not busy. They’re focused.” How you spend your days is how you spend your life. A lot of people love being “busy.” They wear it as a badge of honor. When you ask them how they’ve been, what’s the response? “I’m so busy,” they lament.

But it’s a subtle brag. They like the feeling. When you’re busy, you don’t really do anything — just because your calendar is full of meetings, appointments, and commutes doesn’t mean you’re actually making any progress towards your true goals. Are you focused, making tangible action steps towards what truly matters? Or are you just “busy?” When you’re busy, you are on autopilot. You can’t see the hours slipping away, time you’ll never get back. 

When you choose to be focused — to spend your time and energy on achieving your true goals — that’s where the magic happens. That’s where focus turns into flow states, hyper-focused mental efforts to make fast progress.

Most people prefer the emotional boost of bragging about how “busy” they are, instead of actually doing the real hard work. Choose focus, not busyness.

3. Distraction and EntertainmentReinvesting your free time is one of the most important ingredients to your success. Successful people don’t see it as ‘free time.’ They see it as the only time they have to do the things they really want to do in life and they don’t take a minute for granted. 

True success requires sacrifice. A common misconception many of those sleep-when-you’re-dead hustle-entrepreneurs claim is that you need be working all the time.


The truth is you need to work your butt off — for a time. After you’ve spent the time creating your life, you can sit back and enjoy the work you’ve done. If you want to make great strides and achieve a truly extraordinary life, you need to reinvest your free time into learning new skills, putting in the work, and being productive. It won’t last forever. But you need to put in the time now, so later, you can have the life you want.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Successful Leadership Skills

It's been found that you can achieve great results and have meaningful relationships at the same time. 

Whether your company is a startup oran established firm, I want to share about acompellingleadershipmodel that willget the best out of employees. 

Research into a new model of leadership suggests that five characteristics of successful leadership, when actively demonstrated up, down, and across levels, can lead to a thriving and result-orientedworkculture. 


Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned elements, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator-Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive a Free download of this book by Clicking this Link 


This newer idea suggests, successful leaders are people-centric, not egocentric. Their winning formula is to growpeople and serve by shining the spotlight on their employees. 


These leaders are far from soft; they demand excellence and command a much higher level of trust from their tribe. Over time, they're much more successful. 

Today, scores of successful companies embrace the practice of servant leadership, including Southwest Airlines, Zappos, Nordstrom, The Container Store, and WD-40 Company. 


Learn and practice these Five characteristics. 


While this research isone of many in the leadership sphere, it remainsone of the favorites. Organizations looking to boost their leadership effectiveness can start with pursuing the practice of these five traits across all levels of management, in order to have an impact on the people they employ, and on the client’s they serve. 



1. Being able todisplay authenticity. 


The best leaders are learners; they are open to input from others, even those below them. They are transparent andself-aware-- seeking to understandthemselves and others to quickly problem solve to an agreed solution.By showing up daily with their most authentic selvesand maintaining a high level ofintegrity, they generate trust seamlessly and developmore productive relationships than their less authentic counterparts. 


2. Being able tovalue others as workers and human beings. 


True leaders putothers first before self. They will, first and foremost, believeand trustin their people -- their strengths, abilities, potential, and commitment to the job-- before they must earn it. These leaders maintaina high view of their people,showthem respect and dignity, and willlistenreceptively to them and their needs, in anonjudgmental way. 


3. Being able togrow theirpeople. 


In the research data, great leaders providefor learning and growth, anddeveloppotential and career paths for others. They also modelappropriate behavior andbuildup their peoplethrough encouragement and affirmation. 


4. Being able toprovide direction. 


They will envisionthe future and utilize intuition and foresight to direct the organization forward; they takeinitiative and moveout ahead; and they consistently clarifygoals and expectations to get to the vision. 


5. Being able to share leadership. 


Research found that the strength in great leaders comes from sharing powerand decision making and pushing authority down to empowerothers. Because of their selfless nature, sharing their status in relation to position or honoris a given. Lastly, they usepersuasion to influence others instead of coercion. 


Whatever your belief about which evidence-based, leadership framework or philosophy is most effective, isn't as important as first finding out the health of your organization! 


Once top decision-makers clearly understand how employees feel about the environmentthey work in, they can determine the best strategyfor helping all levels of management successfully navigate the challenges and demands of the future.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Become Master Communicators

There are good communicators. And then there are amazing, outstanding, powerful communicators who will have you on the edge of your seat with their riveting delivery. But what makes the difference between a decent communicator and someone who will instill awe in the people they interact with?

There are several, sometimes subtle habits that master communicators have truly understood and leverage on a regular basis.


If you’re looking to elevate your own communication skills, adopting these habits will help you get to the next level. But it’s important to remember to remain authentic and not try to be someone you’re not — it’s not about emulation but learning how to unleash your own strengths and style. 

Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned strategies, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator-Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive your Free download of my book by Clicking this Link


The tendency to lean in a particular direction is heavily influenced by personality type and this fact alone is often overlooked. When in doubt or ignorant about your communication style it’s easy to overcompensate or adopt a style that doesn’t suit you. The best communicators are comfortable in who they are and their personalities. They are able to authentically connect with their audience because they have first authentically connected with themself.

However, if you’re ready to crush it while also staying true to yourself, here are a few pointers to level up your own communication game. 

Leverage your personal experience - There is a reason people say what is most personal is most universal. It turns out that your past experiences that don’t seem immediately relevant or some of the insights you learned the hard way can end up being your edge when transmitting the information. 

Continuously honing your craft and providing value - Master communicators love analyzing their communication habits, strengths, and areas of improvement. Some good communicators enjoy hearing themselves talk. But outstanding communicators transcend their own experience to focus on the experience of the audience they are addressing. They have a value-first mindset. 

Master communicators are amazing listeners - Here’s a secret about the best communicators: They sometimes spend more time listening than talking — and that’s what makes them excel when they do speak. In order to talk about things that are of the utmost importance to others, they have to first be able to form those thoughts. Those thoughts can come from spending adequate time receiving information from others, thinking deeply and being able to see what others are missing.

So, you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing you don’t need to try to be like the very topmost expert communicators to nail your next presentation and you can forge your own path to create value and earn the respect of your clients and peers.