Monday, February 25, 2019

The Elements of Truth

Stop Overthinking:

The Elements of Truth

Hello and Welcome!

For a successful entrepreneur, being truthful and decisive is of utmost importance, for continued growth of the business as well as the direction it takes in the future.

Maybe one is a few steps away from feeling happy, except that they think too much. Come to think of it, overthinking might be the reason that is holding one back from professional and personal fulfillment.

Dwelling too much on a minor problem starts to get more terrifying than it actually would be. Or one can become so overwhelmed when things are going good for oneself that one can end up analyzing why one is happy in the first place.

When one does this, one can begin to self-sabotage one’s life in the most silently destructive way possible.
As a Business Breakthrough Coach, I have developed more than 100 systems to solve many problems that entrepreneurs could have.

The problem that I want to be able to solve for you today is assisting in bringing out the truthful and decisive instincts of  the visionary entrepreneur inside you and make that an integral part of your  business with The Elements of Truth system.

Wouldn’t you like a simple five-step process to making that happen daily? 

With the Elements of Truth in place, these effective steps will upgrade your thinking process to an aggressive entrepreneur’s mindset and take your business to a whole another level of excellence:

ü Broaden your Perspective. Try reflecting your thoughts and actions within the grand scheme of things. When things bother you, ask yourself if it would still matter in five years, or even five weeks.

ü Set deadlines for decision-making. Do not overanalyze your decisions. No matter how big or small your decision is, it will be useless if one does not act upon it. Once deadlines are set, the most important part is to turn your decision into concrete action.

ü Do not be paralyzed by fear. Do not be stagnated with a vague sense of fear. It will impinge your capacity to decide and act upon issues intelligently.

ü Be alert and present in the moment. That way one will spend less time overthinking about past actions, which one cannot change anymore.

ü  Last, surround yourself with positive employees. Create and foster an environment where the company as a whole can truly be optimistic. With a great, positive team, one can start to see that there is no greater value then having like-minded people around all the time.
The Elements of Truth promotes a positive approach, clear communication lines and truthfulness for a successful business environment for any entrepreneur, which helps them become High Achievers.

Get it for only $52 at

Stop Overthinking and fulfill the truest potential of being a successful entrepreneur, who displays positive thinking, progressive visualization and vibrant energy.

Looking forward to seeing you in our next blog.

Be Unique & Successful! Please Visit:


Monday, February 18, 2019

The Daily Me Enhancer

Thought Leadership:
The Daily Me Enhancer

Hello and Welcome!

For any entrepreneur to be able to continue to perform at peak levels, inspire others and become a thought leader in one’s chosen field, one needs to become a consummate learner. As soon as you think you know everything, that is the precise moment you are doomed to fail or at least become too arrogant to grow, professionally or personally.

But let us not kid ourselves. Whether you are running two businesses or attempting to start your first, finding time to acquire the knowledge and skills you need to remain at the forefront of your industry can be incredibly challenging. But it does not have to be that way.

In fact, one of history’s most illustrious conquerors may have a trick up his sleeve that could help you dramatically increase your productivity, efficiency and effectiveness.

His name is Genghis Khan, and he is the legendary founder of the Mongol Empire, the largest empire by land mass in recorded history. While his mythical status as a bloodthirsty barbarian conqueror has pervaded the Western psyche for generations, Khan was actually one of the most intelligent, shrewd military leaders history has ever seen.

As a Business Breakthrough Coach, I have developed more than 100 systems to solve many problems that entrepreneurs could have. The problem that I want to be able to solve for you today is assisting in bringing out an enhanced version of your leadership potential by drawing an analogy to a great and inspiring historical leader.

Behind Genghis Khan’s unlikely success lies 3 simple techniques that you can use to create an immediate impact in your business. So, together, let us explore what made this man one of the most consummate students of the strategy the world has ever seen.
With the Daily Me Enhancer in place, these effective steps will sharpen your decision-making process, help you focus as an aggressive entrepreneur and take your business to a whole other level of excellence:

ü Mastery and Learning. It may seem self-evident, but in order to become an intelligent leader, you must possess an open-approach to learning. This means setting ego aside, practicing humility and remaining open to new ideas, viewpoints and opinions. So, the first step to becoming a master of a subject is to master your ego, and realize that knowledge comes from being open-minded. Those who operate from a place of arrogance or inflated ego shut themselves off from growth. When one is running a business, one need to remind oneself that no matter the level of experience one has, there is always more to learn.

ü Diversity and Flexibility. The more knowledge and ideas you consume, the more fit you will be to take on and overcome new challenges and experiences. Remember, the best leaders are extremely successful because of their ability to learn, grow and adapt. Take a leaf out of Khan’s book and become a master of many arts. Technology has completely removed the barrier to information. Read inspiring books, listen to new podcasts, attend conferences in slightly different industries, meet new people, brainstorm with your colleagues. Leadership demands that you adapt and become a diverse person.

ü Laser-sharp Focus. Many Westerners see Khan as nothing more than a ruthless barbarian conqueror, but the primary evidence and source material suggests otherwise. In fact, most historians agree that a large degree of Genghis Khan’s success stemmed from his laser-sharp vision and focus.

So, what can we take from this final piece of the puzzle? First, we need to be careful about what we are focusing on. As Tony Robbins says, “Where focus goes, energy flows.” Remember, if you are focusing all your attention on lack of money, resources or ideas, you are going to attract more of the same. Use your energy efficiently and focus on what you want your outcome to be. Next, apply a laser-like focus to your vision and go to any lengths necessary to achieve your goals.

The Daily Me Enhancer is designed to promote a refreshing approach to your work, to an enhanced creativity and ingenuity to your business, which results in you becoming a High Achiever.
Get it for only $52 at

Harness your passions into specific goals and you will be amazed at the results. Achieve your business targets and become the leader you always wanted to be.

Looking forward to seeing you in our next blog.

Be Unique & Successful! Please Visit:


Monday, February 11, 2019

The Calmness Habit

Stay on Track without feeling Overwhelmed:
The Calmness Habit

Hello and Welcome!

For any entrepreneur, whether newly-minted or seasoned, experiencing the odd bouts of doubt or terror during certain periods of time is not unusual. Such times flair up and may die down rather quickly too.

Sometimes, however, these stresses persist and can make one feel totally overwhelmed.

You may recall some incidents, professional or personal, when you may have lost your cool with an employee or a loved one in your family. The resultant consequence may be the opposite of what you had intended.
One may have got mad at the company representative about an urgent pending requirement or running behind for a meeting while rash driving and getting ticketed in the bargain.

Such situations are going to be a part of any professional’s life. And, one has to be able to deal with these in a calm manner; and for that one has to develop a calmness habit.

Fortunately, I can say that I have plenty of experience coping with the feeling of being overwhelmed by the responsibilities of a busy and stressful life.

As a Business Breakthrough Coach, I have developed more than 100 systems to solve many problems that entrepreneurs could have. Over the years, I have learned coping mechanisms that enable me to not only deal with feelings of being out of control and overwhelmed, but Thrive.
There are three basic but very important components of banishing stress and establish a firmly decisive, creative and transformative platform for one’s business to thrive and flourish, just the way that one may have dreamt of with The Calmness Habit system in place.

Ø Understand your priorities.
Ø No matter how talented or motivated you are, it is impossible to do everything at once, so stop trying.
Ø The best way to dig out of an overwhelming situation is to pick your top priorities and work from there. Prioritization is difficult for many entrepreneurs because everything seems to be equally important at first glance.But, when we step back and practice mindfulness we realize that is not the case.

Ø Find ways to practice mindfulness
Ø When things start to pile up and you start to feel overwhelmed by the tasks ahead, do not panic.
Ø  Remember to stop and be mindful of the present moment.More often than not, the anxiety and stress entrepreneurs experience is due to what they think might happen in the future, not what they are dealing with in the present.

Ø  Accept the fact that not everything will be perfect
Ø Last but not least, it is important to learn to accept imperfection. Perfection is an unattainable goal, and anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded.
Ø It is better to recognize that we live in an imperfect world and that sometimes our best is good enough.

When juggling priorities, it is important to remember that matters of the heart, be they relationships, family, or personal fulfillment, are the most fragile. If you fail to keep these relationships healthy, there is a good chance they will be irreparably damaged.

Work, on the other hand, is far more resilient. Even when you make a terrible mistake and drop the ball, it mostly bounces back. The key to happiness is recognizing which priorities are fragile and which are more durable.

And that is where The Calmness Habit assists to reach your goals, achieve stability and mindfulness for your business to break plateaus and attain a whole new level of excellence.

Get The Calmness Habit for only $52 at

Stop Overthinking and fulfill the truest potential of being a successful entrepreneur, who displays positive thinking, progressive visualization and vibrant energy.

Looking forward to seeing you next time.

Be Unique & Successful! Please Visit: www.TheOneYearBreakthrough.Com 

Monday, February 4, 2019

The Vision Builder

The VISION Builder

Hello and Welcome!

For any entrepreneur, having Vision is very essential for the success & continued Growth of the business. What is Vision in Life or What is your Vision at Work? Vision is a thought or concept formed by one’s imagination; the act or power of foresight.

Does one’s life reflect what one really wants?

Do you know what you really want?

What is your Vision for your Life?

Our lives already reflect our vision for our life! If you do not have vision then all you are doing is watching your life go by, just like watching TV

The sin of omission definitely applies here. Not having a vision means your vision for your life is not to have a vision.

Each one of us is accountable for our current condition. The fact of the matter is whether we are content with our current position in life or work.
Having a goal for some time or for some specific event limits our capability.

This condition is common in Olympic athletes who spend years focused on their primary goal of participating in the Olympics. When they finish their final competition, and have not yet decided their next steps, they may feel despondent and even sink into depression.

The challenge for many entrepreneurs is that they focus on their current condition, not on what they want in future. If you are out of shape and all you can think about is how overweight you are, your vision for your future condition is that you are overweight.

As a Business Breakthrough Coach, I have developed more than 100 systems to solve many frustrations that entrepreneurs may have. Over the years, I have learned coping mechanisms that enable me to not only develop inherent skills to discover and build a vision for businesses but also to be in command of my professional abilities and Thrive.

These are basic tenets to developing and broaden one’s vision for a successful and growth-oriented business with The Vision Builder system in place.

Ø Have a Clear Vision of what you want for your business.
Ø Perhaps you have negative thoughts of your business being stuck at a plateau but do not blame extraneous factors for the same. Take Charge and define a purpose for your business with the aid of Vision statements. Entrepreneurs with No Vision have less energy to pursue newer projects and goals.

Ø Live a fully engaged and Exciting Life
Ø Struggling with lower business returns and dwelling upon these will not change your bottom line. You must change your thoughts and vision to reflect what you envision for your business and life. Only then will there be a turnaround in your profitability.

Technically, Visions ate not goals. Goals are created from visions. A vision is an active and ongoing dream that you are striving to achieve.

Entrepreneurs do not get what they want; they get what and who they are. That means if you want a thriving and successful business enterprise than you need vision.

And that is where The Vision Builder assists to reach your goals, strive for challenging projects and takes your business to break plateaus and attain a whole new level of excellence.

Get The Vision Builder for only $52 at
Strive and develop a Vision and build a successful entrepreneurship, on whose foundations your business shall stand tall. Your Vision will aid in your progressive visualization for a vibrant & energetic business environment.

Looking forward to seeing you next time.

Be Unique & Successful! Please Visit: