Friday, August 27, 2021

Great Ways to Enhance Productivity

Prepare before getting started

Productivity does not just happen “in the moment.”

It happens long before you even sit down and get to work. The more you prepare ahead of time, and get clear on exactly what it is you want, need, or should do, the easier and faster you will move once you start.

The reason why so many people struggle with “being productive” is because they skip this step, and when they sit down, they expect to start flying even though they haven’t even decided where it is they want to fly to.

Turn off all distractions

It doesn’t take a genius to realize that every time your phone buzzes, your e-mail pops up on your screen, your office door opens, your train of thought is ruined. We like to believe we can both participate in a group chat via text and write our best-selling book, but the truth is, we can’t — and to think we can is wishful and naïve.


Your best work comes in silence. It’s why people retreat and take vacations away from the bus(i)yness of life — to distance themselves from distraction.

Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned elements, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator-Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive a Free download of this book by Clicking this Link


Create a Routine

It is said the best musicians, athletes, innovators, etc., follow a daily routine that trains their subconscious to know when it is time to work and when it is time to relax. There is absolutely something to be said for always practicing at the same time, or always going to the gym at the same time, or always writing at the same time, every day. 

You train yourself to know, as soon as that hour strikes, to fall into that mode of focus required to do your best work.


Share your work – for Feedback

Maybe you are one of those professionals that never want to share or talk about anything being worked upon. You may think it was “bad luck” or would take you out of your flow. And I’ll admit, there are those moments when your ideas are best left to ruminate in your own head, but you should not be hesitant to share what you’re working on. Feedback is extremely important, and a lot of time can be saved by a single conversation where someone points out, very clearly, something that isn’t “working.”

It might not be easy to hear in the moment, but you will be thankful for it later.


Take Breaks

Again, being “productive” does not necessarily mean sitting still for eight straight hours. You might be able to swing that for a day or two, but you are not a robot. You will burn out. Productivity is all about flow. It’s about knowing your limits and being conscious of how to move within your own constraints.

Maybe you need to take 10-minute breaks after every 50 minutes of focus. 

Great. Do that.

Or maybe you can work for four hours no problem, but then you need to take the afternoon before diving into another four-hour work session at night.

Great. Do that.

Do what works for you, and you only. This isn’t about being productive based on someone else’s habits or way of doing things. This is about knowing yourself, and using your habits to your advantage.

Friday, August 20, 2021

The New Face of Business in Covid

If anything, maybe you too are getting tired of hearing the term ‘new normal.’ While many people took the pandemic day-by-day for a while, waiting for life as we knew it to circle back, the reality is we’re kind of starting from scratch. As many offices come up with contingency and re-opening plans, professionals re-imagine job applying and interviewing via Zoom, and everyone adjusts to life through a COVID lens, it’s vital to accept that many aspects of conducting business may be impacted for the foreseeable future. Take, for instance, the handshake. Considering it’s not recommended to go within six feet of another human, greeting someone this way isn’t safe either.

So how will we network? What should be the business greeting for now? How can companies attract new business during this pandemic? There are some old and new truths that need to be embraced during this ‘new normal’ (that term again!).

Bowing and nodding could be the new handshake – Try using symbolic gestures or mindfulness practices to replace the old handshake. One idea could be bowing, nodding or hand movements that are commonly used in yoga. If you’re familiar with conducting business in Asia, you know that bowing is already considered a way to illustrate respect, so carrying this custom to the west is an easy way to cross borders. Another option may be placing your hand over your heart as a way to say ‘Hello’ when meeting a colleague from afar. While these shifts may feel strange to those accustomed to more traditional business environments, we have already seen how quickly social customs can change under challenging circumstances.

Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned strategies, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator-Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive your Free download of my book by Clicking this Link

Video conferencing and networking on the rise - Before 2020, video conferencing wasn’t widely used across all industries. But, this year has made this skill that much more imperative. Even once we are able to congregate in person again, video is here to stay. Part of this is due to the versatility that it offers: connecting with your current employees in a personal way, screening possible candidates for opportunities without putting them at risk, or in the future, without requiring them to commute in, and so on. Pre-pandemic, did you frequently have lunch dates with friends? Or check-ins with mentors over a glass of wine or a cup of coffee? Those small touchpoints may not have seemed significant, but they challenged you to remain relevant within your field, and they still matter now but adapting those to not-in-person connections.

Having an online presence will become truly vital - Your LinkedIn and online portfolio are in significant need of an update if you intend to land a job during this unpredictable time. Maintaining a substantial online presence will be important as people look for ways to validate who you are. For business professionals and Entrepreneurs, one should think of a few professional contacts who share similar interests and challenges and would be willing to show up regularly and set up a monthly catch-up with that group to share ideas and best practices for current times and network smartly.

Friday, August 13, 2021

A Precious Resource called Time

Time is our most precious resource. And whether you’re a high-powered executive or just starting your career as an intern, it doesn’t discriminate: We all have 24 hours in a day!

But, when the temperatures get warmer and the A/C is blasting in the office, those 24 hours all of a sudden seem even shorter. Even as a dedicated professional, you might find yourself longingly looking at the clock while trying to power through your tasks as fast as possible so you can head out and dive into the non-working half of your life.


The good thing is that depending on how you manage your resources, you can manipulate time and get the most of your working hours — and enjoy life outside of work to the fullest as well. Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned elements, you may run into challenges.


To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator-Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Get your Free download of my book by Clicking this Link


So, before you dive in and enthusiastically adopt a new workflow, it’s important to embrace a couple of important mindset shifts.


First and foremost, you need to switch your thinking from time spent to results achieved. The most effective time-management tactics are about improving efficiencies and maximizing the impact of every minute spent — not all tasks and activities are even and every working hour is precious.


Keeping results at the forefront of your mind will help you get the most of any productivity method. Set the 80/20 rule which states that 80 percent of goals achieved are the result of 20 percent of efforts. Think of your most important project and its most crucial deliverables and outcomes. Are you spending most of your time on activities that move the needle towards the successful completion of that project? Or do you regularly get caught up in things like attending meetings with unclear agendas or answering emails?


Next, you must be willing to be real with yourself when it comes to the way you currently spend your time. Are you stuck in a spiral of over-commitment because you’re afraid of saying no? Do you tend to procrastinate or are you a multitasking addict? 

Assessing the present with honesty and humility is the first step towards building a schedule that allows for more freedom. Try time-blocking which is about dividing your calendar into blocks allocated to specific sets of activities. 

If you’ve got a lot on your plate, you can fight off that feeling of overwhelm by planning in advance how you want to split up your various activities throughout the week.


As long as you regularly check in with yourself and your productivity levels and are willing to focus on working smarter instead of harder, time management should be a piece of cake to enjoy (watch the calories though!).

Friday, August 6, 2021

A Simple Path to Big Goals

How has your 2021 been till now? Fresh goals set for the rest of the year? 

Good call - having goals can help you stay focused and get so much more out of the new year.

Goals give life meaning, direction and purpose, and help you get out of bed with enthusiasm every single day.


While it’s important to enjoy the journey and find fulfillment in the present moment without waiting for something external to make you happy, having a results-oriented mindset can also enhance your life and career.


Results matter and a goal-oriented mindset helps teach that. That’s a very crucial lesson to learn because a lot of people like to say it’s just the journey that matters, but no, arriving at the destination actually matters too. Who you become is important but getting there is as crucial too. 

Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned elements, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator-Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive a Free download of this book by Clicking this Link


But don’t shoot yourself in the foot. Making mistakes during theprocess of goal setting can backfire and discourage you. Here are some simple ideas to set yourself on the path to setting meaningful goals for the New Year.


No timelinesWithout a timeline, it’s so easy for a goal to fall to the side. The biggest common mistake is that people don’t give their goals deadlines.


Without a deadline, it’s just a dream, it’s just an idea. We need to create urgency and work against the clock, and there needs to be a consequence for not achieving the goal. Assess your goals. Are they things that you want to have achieved by the very end of the new year? Or are there some goals on the list that will most likely be accomplished by mid-year? Estimating how much time you’re giving yourself for tackling your various objectives will ensure you keep your eyes on the finish line.


Zero Accountability. There are three types of accountability: self-accountability (telling yourself that you’re going to accomplish something), coach accountability (hiring a coach to work with you), and public or peer accountability.


Peer accountability is the most important one because it’s about mentioning your goals to people you don’t want to disappoint. The most powerful way to set goals is to tell a best friend or someone you truly do not want to let down. Without factoring in mechanisms for staying accountable is a mistake you’ll want to avoid if you want to be successful. 

Be well-rounded. Glorifying hustle culture and burnout is so yesterday. When setting goals, it’s important to favor well-roundedness over single-mindedness.

You would not want to be a one-dimensional human being, you want to set goals in your physical life, intellectual life (which can be related to your career, mindset or growth), relational/emotional life (could be goals you want to set with your spouse or family members), and spiritual life.

From health and fitness to career and relationships, think of the areas of your life you want to give attention to in the coming year. And avoid falling into the pitfall of focusing on one area at the detriment of others.

Avoid being vague. Don’t make the mistake of being too vague or conceptual. Starting with broad intentions is a great way to find more clarity around what you want to do in the next year, but don’t stop there.

Become a big believer in smart, concrete goals instead of conceptual goals. Memorizing 52 Bible verses over the course of the year is a clear and smart goal. And, so is earning $10K per month or getting down to 8% body fat.
People who say, ‘I want to be more thoughtful’ need to add a tangible action to the goal. What kind of measurable result would help you identify in an instant whether you successfully achieved a goal? Take a moment to reflect on your goals and ask yourself whether they are concrete and easy to track and measure or whether it would be best to flesh them out a little bit further.

With these simple yet unique ideas, you are better prepared and ready to face the challenges of the New Year. Believe in yourself!