another week, another calendar full of meetings. It can be easy to go through
the motions of a daily stand-up or yet another debrief and forget that your
contributions, level of engagement and facilitation or participation style
in meetings can actually reveal a lot about who you are as a professional.
wish professionals took meetings more seriously and learned about the science
behind highly engaging, collaborative meetings.
are three foundational areas that effective process leaders master: How to
manage themselves so they don’t end up being the cause of a poorly-led meeting,
how to manage the process so meetings flow and build logically towards
achieving desired outcomes, and how to manage others to maximize participation.
helping you improve these three foundational areas, deconstructing your meeting
habits can actually uncover fascinating information about your professional
priorities and leadership style and even gear you up for greater career
Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned elements, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator - Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive a Free download of this book by Clicking this Link
Keep in mind, there are three types of meeting leaders: content-focused, process-focused, or a hybrid of both.
The content-focused meeting leader tends to
be ‘tell-oriented,’ specifically there to advocate, train, educate. This type
of leader holds all the cards in terms of what ideas are put forward. A
process-focused meeting leader is there to leverage the wisdom and ideas of
meeting participants. They are ‘ask-oriented.’ They are there to ensure the
meeting is structured to maximize the engagement of all participants and to
ensure all voices are heard and considered. A hybrid meeting leader is
excellent at moving back and forth between these roles, ensuring a good balance
between telling and asking when required. Understanding where you fall within the spectrum of asking
and telling can help you round out your weaknesses and maximize your strengths.
style may reveal much about you - Do you tend to hog the spotlight or are you
focused on getting the best ideas out of the people around the table? Whatever
your habits are, they might reveal traits that show up in your day-to-day work
life way past the doors of a conference room.
A meeting leader mainly focused on content and tells most of the time tends to be a more ‘command and control’ type. They see themselves as the expert, as those who have the right ideas, and view the audience as not as important or relevant to tap into for alternative perspectives. A process-oriented meeting leader tends to facilitate and be collaborative, seeking out other opinions with the understanding that they may not have all the right answers.
Some meeting habits can actually have a negative impact on
your career development. Here is a suggested list of meeting habits to avoid as
much as possible if you want to get ahead:
Telling more than asking
Advocating policy, process, or organizational
change without checking in with those affected and giving them some voice or
allowing for venting
Having meetings where the purpose and outcomes
are not clear
Dominating the meeting and swaying
decision-making towards one’s own personal agenda
Being unclear about how much decision-making
authority participants have
Ultimately, you can think of
meeting dos and don’ts as an extension of the continuous practice of being an
effective, impactful leader.
Leaders that are more facilitative tend to get
the best buy-in and follow-through by their team members. This is easily
explained by the fact that when my voice is heard, appreciated, and utilized in
a final decision, I’m more likely to want to be part of fulfilling that
On the other hand, when a meeting leader just
tells and limits input from the meeting participants, most people disengage and
feel less committed to the final outcomes.
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