Thursday, December 17, 2020

Bad Habits to Break When Working from Home

Working from home has a lot of big benefits, like allowing you to wear pajamas to work or catch up on all the seasons of Shark Tank while pumping out deliverables from your living room. From a certain point of view, there’s no better way to work. Who needs cubicles and office Roombas when you have your favorite couch and pet dog Jerry?

However, working from home isn’t perfect for everyone and has some huge pitfalls if you let certain bad habits become norms in your daily routine. Here are a few bad habits to break when working from home.


Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned elements, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator-Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive a Free download of this book by Clicking this Link


Indulging Distractions - This one’s an absolute killer; virtually everyone struggles with avoiding distractions. Every ten sentences or so, we may stop working to change the song queued up on our songs list. Could I create a playlist to remedy this issue? Sure. But it’s not about that—we may leave our in-progress document simply because we can. It’s not about the thing we escape to (listening to songs or a podcast), it’s just about the fact we can escape. Don’t let that get to your head, though. You need to focus! If not for the benefit of your work, then just to avoid developing an unhealthily short attention span.


Forgoing formalities - Working from home means a lack of physical contact with coworkers. This will naturally result in a transformation of your social behaviors, though the degree of change is different for everyone. Just make sure you catch yourself if you start developing bad habits like being testier, snippier, or more obnoxious since it’s easier to “get away with” being difficult remotely.


Letting Work and personal spaces overlap – Many of us maybe struggling miserably to break this habit. The idea is that you shouldn’t let your, say, bedroom also become your home office. You need to separate work rooms from relaxation rooms for sake of having a place to escape to when work becomes too much to deal with. Sadly, the habit of bringing the work laptop with us to all the personal spaces is a bit much. Work may have creeped into every other corner of our homes but don’t let this habit take root in your life.


Avoid bad habits when working from home. The bad habits listed above are all incredibly hard to break, and we may all be still grappling with the majority on this list, in these current unusual and strange times. Undoing them is borderline impossible once they’ve taken root, so do yourself a favor and don’t adopt such habits in the first place!

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