Thursday, January 28, 2021

Create a Work-Life Balance at Home


With the pandemic still raging, many office workers are now working from home. I, for example, have been working from home since March. 


With no physical boundary between home and work these days, it becomes more important than ever to talk about how to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Here are some tips on how you can achieve a good balance. 


Carving out a separate space designated only for work is a great solution to create that physical boundary within your home. If you are fortunate enough to already have a study in your house or apartment, then I recommend that you make full use of it for work.

Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned elements, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator-Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive a Free download of this book by Clicking this Link


Use a different room from your main area of relaxation. If you live in a small space with no spare room or basement, then you may want to work in a room that is different from your main area of relaxation. For example, if you typically relax in your bedroom, then work in the living or dining room. Although it is not the ideal situation, it at least gives you a bit of a separation from your main area of relaxation.


Put away all work-related items after work. When you are done working for the day, putting away all work-related items helps you transition from working to living. As people say, out of sight, out of mind. Putting away my work laptop and notebooks has now become an evening ritual that triggers my brain to relax. After all, you still deserve some time to enjoy the little things in life that does not involve work.

Set clear boundaries. All your co-workers know that you are working from home and not going anywhere. However, just because you are technically available for all the virtual meetings doesn’t mean that you should be working 24/7.

Setting clear boundaries for yourself is critically important to make sure that you can fully unplug at the end of the day. 


If possible, log off from your work laptop and turn off your work phone at a time that you are comfortable with. If you don’t have a work phone, log off from all the work-related apps that you may have installed on your phone.

The emails you receive at 11 pm can most likely wait till the next morning to respond to.


Focus on tasks that matter. You may have a long to-do list. Therefore, it is important to zoom in on tasks that will make the most impact. It helps to categorize the tasks into four buckets: Urgent and important; Important but not urgent; Urgent but not important; Not urgent and not important. Focus your energy on the first bucket, and don’t waste your time on the last one. This way, you can improve your return on investment (ROI) of your time.

Although it is important to stay connected with your team, having a good work-life balance will help you achieve more productivity and happiness in the long-term.

Friday, January 22, 2021

A Simple Path to Goal setting

Are you kicking 2021 off by setting fresh goals? Good call - having goals can help you stay focused and get so much more out of the new year.


Goals give life meaning, direction and purpose, and help you get out of bed with enthusiasm every single day.


While it’s important to enjoy the journey and find fulfillment in the present moment without waiting for something external to make you happy, having a results-oriented mindset can also enhance your life and career.


Results matter and a goal-oriented mindset helps teach that. That’s a very crucial lesson to learn because a lot of people like to say it’s just the journey that matters, but no, arriving at the destination actually matters too. Who you become is important but getting there is as crucial too. 

Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned elements, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator-Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive a Free download of this book by Clicking this Link


But don’t shoot yourself in the foot. Making mistakes during theprocess of goal setting can backfire and discourage you. Here are some simple ideas to set yourself on the path to setting meaningful goals for the New Year.


No timelines. Without a timeline, it’s so easy for a goal to fall to the side. The biggest common mistake is that people don’t give their goals deadlines.


Without a deadline, it’s just a dream, it’s just an idea. We need to create urgency and work against the clock, and there needs to be a consequence for not achieving the goal. Assess your goals. Are they things that you want to have achieved by the very end of the new year? Or are there some goals on the list that will most likely be accomplished by mid-year? Estimating how much time you’re giving yourself for tackling your various objectives will ensure you keep your eyes on the finish line.


Zero Accountability. There are three types of accountability: self-accountability (telling yourself that you’re going to accomplish something), coach accountability (hiring a coach to work with you), and public or peer accountability.


Peer accountability is the most important one because it’s about mentioning your goals to people you don’t want to disappoint. The most powerful way to set goals is to tell a best friend or someone you truly do not want to let down. Without factoring in mechanisms for staying accountable is a mistake you’ll want to avoid if you want to be successful. 

Be well-rounded. Glorifying hustle culture and burnout is so yesterday. When setting goals, it’s important to favor well-roundedness over single-mindedness.

You would not want to be a one-dimensional human being, you want to set goals in your physical life, intellectual life (which can be related to your career, mindset or growth), relational/emotional life (could be goals you want to set with your spouse or family members), and spiritual life.

From health and fitness to career and relationships, think of the areas of your life you want to give attention to in the coming year. And avoid falling into the pitfall of focusing on one area at the detriment of others.

Avoid being vague. Don’t make the mistake of being too vague or conceptual. Starting with broad intentions is a great way to find more clarity around what you want to do in the next year, but don’t stop there.

Become a big believer in smart, concrete goals instead of conceptual goals. Memorizing 52 Bible verses over the course of the year is a clear and smart goal. And, so is earning $10K per month or getting down to 8% body fat.
People who say, ‘I want to be more thoughtful’ need to add a tangible action to the goal. What kind of measurable result would help you identify in an instant whether you successfully achieved a goal? Take a moment to reflect on your goals and ask yourself whether they are concrete and easy to track and measure or whether it would be best to flesh them out a little bit further.

With these simple yet unique ideas, you are better prepared and ready to face the challenges of the New Year. Believe in yourself!

Friday, January 15, 2021

Things You Must Sacrifice for a Brighter Future

Good things come from sacrifice. If you want what you’ve never had, you must do what you’ve never done. It’s to start sacrificing the right things so you can have a better future. 


Don’t let anyone define success but you. Stop being “busy,” and start being focused.  

Spend your time wisely because many things want your attention and energy. Make sure they’re the right things. 


Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned elements, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator-Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive a Free download of this book by Clicking this Link 


Take a look at the topmost things that can define and secure a better future for you, professionally and personally:   


1. Other people’s definition of successAt some point, you have to realize that you have to give up other people’s definition of success. This is one of the most difficult things to give up because it is so deeply embedded in our cultural narratives that it becomes the standard by which we measure our lives. Even as entrepreneurs we have collectively agreed that fame and fortune are the markers of success. 


But, giving up other people’s definition of success is incredibly liberating and ultimately leads to the fullest expression of who you are and what matters to you.  


It’s not a one-time thing. It’s a daily habit of comparing less and creating more. “Success” doesn’t just mean what the larger mob of society says it means: lots of money, fame, and fortune. Many people with fame, fortune, and money have terribly empty, imbalanced lives. Your success isn’t defined by what other people say. No one can define your success but you. If you continue to let others tell you what success is, you’ll never reach it. Even if you did, it wouldn’t be a true success, because it’s not what you really valued. 


2. BusynessThe saying goes, “The most successful people I know are not busy. They’re focused.” How you spend your days is how you spend your life. 


A lot of people love being “busy.” They wear it as a badge of honor. When you ask them how they’ve been, what’s the response? “I’m so busy,” they lament.  


But it’s a subtle brag. They like the feeling. When you’re busy, you don’t really do anything — just because your calendar is full of meetings, appointments, and commutes doesn’t mean you’re actually making any progress towards your true goals. Are you focused, making tangible action steps towards what truly matters? Or are you just “busy?” 


When you’re busy, you are on autopilot. You can’t see the hours slipping away, time you’ll never get back. 


But when you choose to be focused — to spend your time and energy on achieving your true goals — that’s where the magic happens. That’s where focus turns into flow states, hyper-focused mental efforts to make fast progress. 

Most people prefer the emotional boost of bragging about how “busy” they are, instead of actually doing the real hard work. Choose focus, not busyness. 


3Distraction and EntertainmentReinvesting your free time is one of the most important ingredients to your success. Successful people don’t see it as ‘free time.’ They see it as the only time they have to do the things they really want to do in life and they don’t take a minute for granted.  If you’re working a full-time job, with a commute and family and bills, you don’t have a lot of free time. If you’re like most people, the precious little free time you do have is spent on entertainment and distraction, not learning, and growing. 


This is low-level thinking, and it will lead you to a, frankly, low-level life. 

But true success requires sacrifice. A common misconception many of those sleep-when-you’re-dead hustle-entrepreneurs claim is that you need be working all the time.  


The truth is you need to work your butt off — for a time. After you’ve spent the time creating your life, you can sit back and enjoy the work you’ve done. If you want to make great strides and achieve a truly extraordinary life, you need to reinvest your free time into learning new skills, putting in the work, and being productive. It won’t last forever. But you need to put in the time now, so later, you can have the life you want.