Friday, February 19, 2021

Smart Ways to Invest Time for Great Success

Time is the ultimate currency.

Like our money, our time is ours to waste, spend or invest.

We all have the same number of hours each day. But it’s what you decide to do with that time that directly impacts your success in life.

If you are not sure where and when you are losing time, these are the most common ways many people waste their time:

Trying to do many things at once — in the end, you hardly make real progress. Reacting to all those emails — email is one of the biggest time-sucking tools ever created (despite its benefits). Don’t get trapped in the cycle of answering every email in real-time.

Obsessively checking your social media updates — how many times have you caught yourself doing this when you should be doing great work?
Putting off or delaying or deferring high-value actions — no one sets out to procrastinate, but it happens.

Saying yes to the many requests from others — defend your time like your productivity depends on it because it does.
People who find success in life and career are often willing to not only put their limited time to good use but invest it in the things that truly matter.

Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned elements, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator-Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive a Free download of this book by Clicking this Link


Not everything brings the same return on your time. So, the real question today is: What are you doing with your time?
Time is free but priceless, and you are either investing, spending, or wasting your time with every choice you make.


Invest in right systems to get things done. Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things. Do you have control over how you use your time? Many of us work in an endless stream of tasks, emails, notifications, meetings, multitasking in the process, never pausing to measure the significance of our daily inputs versus our outputs. Doing one thing means not doing something else. And there is a big difference between the things that should be done and the things that must be done.

Resist the temptation to multitask. If you have several items to focus on within the same day, try breaking your work time into short, focused bursts. 

Invest in thinking time. The state of your mind determines everything. It pays to make time to pause, reflect, refresh and start over. “Time to think” is a priority if you want to be increasingly efficient, solve problems better, and improve how you work.

Mental breaks increase productivity, replenish attention, solidify memories and encourage creativity. You can’t afford not to plan for downtime.

You make time to exercise your body to stay strong, and healthy. You have to do the same thing for your mind. Schedule time when you can be alone to do nothing but think. Thinking involves slowing down and actually soaking in a problem and your creative brain thrives in a “break” mode.

Shake up your routine and create white spaces for yourself.
Schedule it. Block off 15 minutes every day, on your calendar, if you can — in the middle of the day — to THINK. Find a place comfortable and quiet. No Internet. No television. No other people present. Just you and your thoughts.

Time spent thinking is an investment.

But don’t overthink issues you don’t even have to spend time thinking about. Balancing thought and action are a challenge for many people.

Results come to those who “act” while others are discovering the “right” ways to generate results. Think to generate better ideas, but act before it’s too late.

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