Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Overcome Your Indecisive Brain-Fog Now

Think back on the last week: have you felt incredibly sluggish and tired? Are you usually someone who jumps at the opportunity to take on a new project at work, but lately, the smallest task feels impossible? 

Do your colleagues typically turn to you for your innovative genius, and now, you can’t seem to come up with one stellar idea? Take a deep breath: You aren’t failing as a leader, and you aren’t slacking.


You are, however, suffering from pandemic brain fog. This is caused by living through a period of intense, on-going stress and unknown variables that impact every single moment of our lives.


Even now when most of us are back in our offices, we don’t know when mask-wearing will be a distant memory. We don’t know when traveling will be completely safe. This can cause even the most well-intended and passionate professionals to feel unlike themselves. 

Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned elements, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator-Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive a Free download of this book by Clicking this Link

In addition to giving yourself a much-deserved pat on the back for making it this far, consider these strategies that help you break through the exhaustion and find your creativity: 


Schedule a quick exercise break. When was the last time you left your home ‘office’ (or ahem, corner of your dining room table) and walked more than a few steps? Movement is essential not only to our physical health but our mental and emotional well-being, too. it’s vital to work in some exercise in the middle of the day to keep your brain happy.

By pumping up your adrenaline and getting your breathing deeper and more regulated, you can increase your energy, focus, and creativity while reducing physical lethargy, mental sluggishness, and emotional distress. Especially during times like this, it is imperative for people to stay physically active to keep their minds, bodies, and emotions functioning as close to their norm as usual.


Give your mind time to disconnectAll too often, professionals punish themselves for not performing up to the standards they set for themselves. So, rather than listening to their bodies, they push forward, staring at their screen, feeling less and less productive.


Rather than torturing yourself, prioritizing mindfulness by blocking time to slow down, practice deep breathing, and other calming tactics. When we do this, we force ourselves to live in the present moment, helping to eliminate other thoughts and worries. 

Time-block your work. Part of the struggle of a brain fog is feeling as if you can’t make progress. You start one deliverable, you feel stuck, so you move to something else. Then, you repeat this process until you feel defeated. This doesn’t give you the type of confidence you need to tap into your creativity zone.

Create time blocks in your day-to-day calendar where you are hyper-focused on work for short stints, followed by a short exercise or mindfulness break. Because you know you have a limited amount of minutes to give attention to a project, you are more likely to remain productive.

With mindfulness, a person can generally get into the habit of keeping oneself focused and stopping distracting thoughts and feelings which limit or impair one’s functioning at work. As a result, his or her ability to be creative and productive at work can be increased

With these strategies by your side, you can be more alert and excited to stave off any possibility of a brain fog clouding your decisiveness, even during these troubled times! 

Friday, November 19, 2021

Make Productivity a Way of Life

Success and productivity go hand in hand. They always have, but the very notion of productivity is evolving over time as new technologies emerge and cultural paradigms are challenged. So how should we think about productivity in 2022? 

When it comes to productivity, we need to think of it as a way of life, not merely a bunch of tactics and strategies to apply to our work or businesses. A more holistic approach is so much more effective long-term.  
So, if you want to increase your productivity, approaching it like a lifestyle change makes sense. You are, after all, a whole, multifaceted person who can’t be reduced to the moments you spend behind your screen or powering through your to-do list. 

First things first: A lifestyle audit. How do you spend your waking hours? What about your working hours? Whether you’ve adopted a time-management method or love tools and apps that help you optimize your performance, it’s a good idea to be aware of the way you currently get things done. 


Now that you have a better idea of your present productivity reality, look into these three outdatedproductivity tipsto ditch if you want to be more successful. Perhaps you don’t need a complete productivity overhaul but embracing a few simple tweaks and swaps might make you happier and more efficient. 


Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned elements, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator-Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive a Free download of this book by Clicking this Link 


Speeding up to get more done. Do you take pride in your ability to complete tasks super-fast? You might want to rethink that approach, as speed can give you the illusion of productivity and increase the risk of making mistakes. 

One myth is that you have to speed up to get more done. In fact, most of the time, by slowing down, we actually get more done. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s trueUnfortunately, we’re all under so much pressure to perform, we think the only solution is to speed up. But speed leads to errors. Depending on our skillset, some processes can be sped up. We just need to know which can be, and which can’t. Now that’s working smart — not just fast.  


Embracing a productivity method as the ultimate one. The worst productivity advice is that there is only one effective way of doing things. There isn’t. Sure, joining the  

5 AM club is a great idea, but that might not work for you. We’re all individuals and we have to find which strategies and tactics work best for our particular circumstances. Overwhelmed with the very idea of figuring out how to manage all your responsibilities? Start small, try different approaches, ditch the ones that don’t work for you and build on what works. 


High performance at all costs. Sure, being a high achiever does mean having a high-performance mindset to a certain extent. But not at all costs. The glorification of hustle culture is starting to be a thing of the past. I know many very successful people who live very good lives. Unfortunately, some ended up in the hospital because of stress, anxiety, or simply poor health 


Regardless of how productive you are in your [career], if you don’t take care of yourself, you’ll end up burned out, depressed, ruining your relationships or just plain unhappy. To me, true productivity means being effective in all areas of our lives. 


So, armed with these productivity tweaks, you are better equipped to face today’s unexpected challenges. Nothing else left but to Go forth & Conquer! 

Friday, November 12, 2021

Bring Focus to Your Work World

Good things come from sacrifice. If you want what you’ve never had, you must do what you’ve never done.Its to start sacrificing the right things so you can have a better future. 

Don’t let anyone define success but you. Stop being “busy,” and start being focused.  

Spend your time wisely because many things want your attention and energy. Make sure they’re the right things. 


Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned elements, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator-Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive a Free download of this book by Clicking this Link 


Take a look at the topmost things that can define and secure a better future for you, professionally and personally:   


1. Other people’s definition of successAt some point, you have to realize that you have to give up other people’s definition of success. This is one of the most difficult things to give up because it is so deeply embedded in our cultural narratives that it becomes the standard by which we measure our lives. Even as entrepreneurs we have collectively agreed that fame and fortune are the markers of success. 


But, giving up other people’s definition of success is incredibly liberating and ultimately leads to the fullest expression of who you are and what matters to you.  


It’s not a one-time thing. It’s a daily habit of comparing less and creating more. “Success” doesn’t just mean what the larger mob of society says it means:lots of money, fame, and fortune. Many people with fame, fortune, and money have terribly empty, imbalanced lives. Your success isn’t defined by what other people say. No one can define your success but you. If you continue to let others tell you what success is, you’ll never reach it. Even if you did, it wouldn’t be a true success, because it’s not whatyoureally valued. 


2. BusynessThe saying goes, “The most successful people I know are not busy. They’re focused.” How you spend your days is how you spend your life. 


A lot of people love being “busy.” They wear it as a badge of honor. When you ask them how they’ve been, what’s the response? “I’m so busy,” they lament.  


But it’s a subtle brag. Theylikethe feeling. When you’re busy, you don’t really do anything — just because your calendar is full of meetings, appointments, and commutes doesn’t mean you’re actually making any progress towards your true goals. Are you focused, making tangible action steps towards what truly matters? Or are you just “busy?” 


When you’re busy, you are on autopilot. You can’t see the hours slipping away, time you’ll never get back. 


But when you choose to be focused — to spend your time and energy on achieving your true goals — that’s where the magic happens. That’s where focus turns into flow states, hyper-focused mental efforts to make fast progress. 

Most people prefer the emotional boost of bragging about how “busy” they are, instead of actually doing the real hard work. Choose focus, not busyness. 


3Distraction and EntertainmentReinvesting your free time is one of the most important ingredients to your success. Successful people don’t see it as ‘free time.’ They see it as the only time they have to do the things they really want to do in life and they don’t take a minute for granted.  If you’re working a full-time job, with a commute and family and bills, you don’t have a lot of free time. If you’re like most people, the precious little free time youdohave is spent on entertainment and distraction, not learning, and growing. 


This is low-level thinking, and it will lead you to a, frankly, low-level life. 

But true success requires sacrifice. A common misconception many of those sleep-when-you’re-dead hustle-entrepreneurs claim is that you need be working all the time.  


The truth is you need to put in hard, grinding work — for a time. After you’ve spent the time creating your life, you can sit back and enjoy the work you’ve done. If you want to make great strides and achieve a truly extraordinary life, you need to reinvest your free time into learning new skills, putting in the work, and being productive. It won’t last forever. But you need to put in the time now, so later, you can have the life you want.