This past year has really shone some light on workplace dynamics in the United States. Our culture has been so tied to this idea of working more instead of working smarter, that generations of humans are experiencing burnout at a far quicker rate than ever before.
With all the other added stress from the world around us, there is a greater need to find balance in every aspect of life, and it starts with the place you dedicate most of your time to during the week: your career.
Oftentimes, when you try to implement some of the mentioned elements, you may run into challenges. To resolve this very issue, I wrote my book "The Breakthrough Accelerator - Resolve your Biggest Challenge in 4 weeks"- Receive a Free download of this book by Clicking this Link.
For several professionals, it’s both something they strive to attain in their own lives, as well as something they work to help their clients maintain. One can approach this idea of balance like greenery in life.
We can see life as a garden where what we focus on grows and what we ignore withers. A good gardener knows how to spread the water and fertilizer around so that all the plants flourish. Being able to identify your own unique needs helps you approach the world in a way that will encourage joy in all aspects of your life.
As someone who helps entrepreneurs and businesses strategize and execute their business growth plan, the unusual circumstances over the past few months makes you realize that non-negotiables need to be set alongside the work.
Non-negotiables are things you’d like to prioritize time for in your life, and often do not involve a career focus. These are things that help to keep you healthy, happy, and engaged in other areas of life so that you can return fully fueled with inspiration and energy to your work when it’s time.
Items on this list include things like family time, date nights, long walks, any exercise you enjoy, cultural and culinary experiences, among others. Though due to the current pandemic, these activities have to be slightly adjusted. The key to making sure you have time for the things that bring you joy outside of work -- Know and respect your boundaries.
Many people give far too much of their focus and energy to their work. They believe if they can just make enough money or be successful in their careers all the other (difficult) parts of their lives will fall into place.
A simple boundary to start with, and one of the most difficult ones for career people to justify, is setting work hours. Let folks in the office know that you will be available from 9-5, and then don’t answer the phone outside of those hours. (Unless you need to save a person or the world…that’s important.)
Nature is the best companion for calling in more balance. See if you can spend 15 to 20 minutes outdoors per day and try to be as present as possible to the sounds and sights before you. Find moments to slow down and allow yourself – and the world around you – some compassion. That deadline you are stressing over will be handled in a much more efficient and productive manner if you have experienced mental clarity and relaxation.
When all is said and done, not every day is going to bring rainbows and sunshine into your life. There will be times where work needs to take your focus. And that is OK. Work is a priority, but it doesn’t have to be your only priority. Engage in your passions and find comfort in the quiet hours between jumping through career hoops.
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