Monday, February 18, 2019

The Daily Me Enhancer

Thought Leadership:
The Daily Me Enhancer

Hello and Welcome!

For any entrepreneur to be able to continue to perform at peak levels, inspire others and become a thought leader in one’s chosen field, one needs to become a consummate learner. As soon as you think you know everything, that is the precise moment you are doomed to fail or at least become too arrogant to grow, professionally or personally.

But let us not kid ourselves. Whether you are running two businesses or attempting to start your first, finding time to acquire the knowledge and skills you need to remain at the forefront of your industry can be incredibly challenging. But it does not have to be that way.

In fact, one of history’s most illustrious conquerors may have a trick up his sleeve that could help you dramatically increase your productivity, efficiency and effectiveness.

His name is Genghis Khan, and he is the legendary founder of the Mongol Empire, the largest empire by land mass in recorded history. While his mythical status as a bloodthirsty barbarian conqueror has pervaded the Western psyche for generations, Khan was actually one of the most intelligent, shrewd military leaders history has ever seen.

As a Business Breakthrough Coach, I have developed more than 100 systems to solve many problems that entrepreneurs could have. The problem that I want to be able to solve for you today is assisting in bringing out an enhanced version of your leadership potential by drawing an analogy to a great and inspiring historical leader.

Behind Genghis Khan’s unlikely success lies 3 simple techniques that you can use to create an immediate impact in your business. So, together, let us explore what made this man one of the most consummate students of the strategy the world has ever seen.
With the Daily Me Enhancer in place, these effective steps will sharpen your decision-making process, help you focus as an aggressive entrepreneur and take your business to a whole other level of excellence:

ü Mastery and Learning. It may seem self-evident, but in order to become an intelligent leader, you must possess an open-approach to learning. This means setting ego aside, practicing humility and remaining open to new ideas, viewpoints and opinions. So, the first step to becoming a master of a subject is to master your ego, and realize that knowledge comes from being open-minded. Those who operate from a place of arrogance or inflated ego shut themselves off from growth. When one is running a business, one need to remind oneself that no matter the level of experience one has, there is always more to learn.

ü Diversity and Flexibility. The more knowledge and ideas you consume, the more fit you will be to take on and overcome new challenges and experiences. Remember, the best leaders are extremely successful because of their ability to learn, grow and adapt. Take a leaf out of Khan’s book and become a master of many arts. Technology has completely removed the barrier to information. Read inspiring books, listen to new podcasts, attend conferences in slightly different industries, meet new people, brainstorm with your colleagues. Leadership demands that you adapt and become a diverse person.

ü Laser-sharp Focus. Many Westerners see Khan as nothing more than a ruthless barbarian conqueror, but the primary evidence and source material suggests otherwise. In fact, most historians agree that a large degree of Genghis Khan’s success stemmed from his laser-sharp vision and focus.

So, what can we take from this final piece of the puzzle? First, we need to be careful about what we are focusing on. As Tony Robbins says, “Where focus goes, energy flows.” Remember, if you are focusing all your attention on lack of money, resources or ideas, you are going to attract more of the same. Use your energy efficiently and focus on what you want your outcome to be. Next, apply a laser-like focus to your vision and go to any lengths necessary to achieve your goals.

The Daily Me Enhancer is designed to promote a refreshing approach to your work, to an enhanced creativity and ingenuity to your business, which results in you becoming a High Achiever.
Get it for only $52 at

Harness your passions into specific goals and you will be amazed at the results. Achieve your business targets and become the leader you always wanted to be.

Looking forward to seeing you in our next blog.

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