Monday, March 18, 2019

The Only You

Always Reach Your Big Goals:
The Only You

Hello and Welcome!

All entrepreneurs without exception want to reach their ambitious goals and make their ideas come to fruition. And most of the time, it comes down to simple habits to set us on the path to those goals and keep us accountable. Per a scientific survey, a staggering 92 percent of people never actually achieve their goals. Oh, and if you're curious, here in this blog, I reveal how the other 8 percent actually manage to do it.
Like the best of humans, any entrepreneur may fail to meet their goals too. It leaves them frustrated, coming home at the end of the day because when she/he left the house in the morning, maybe with that "Eye of the Tiger" guitar riff playing in their head), the sole intention was to knock down the to-do list and seize the day.
That's why knowing how to set and meet goals, and sticking to the plan, is so key to your success. Let me suggest an approach that works, if you work the approach like a boss. And yes, I am taking a dose of my own medicine. Let us seize the day, month, or year together to create a brand new you. Which brings us to…
...The Only You. A system to filter out the tasks that one does not need to do and can easily delegate to employees. Also, figure out the top three tasks one is great at and make those your daily pathways to achieve your goals.
Be specific. When you get up early in the morning to think about your goals for the day, be as exact as possible. People who set specific goals are much more likely to succeed. For example, instead of saying you want to spend less this week, month, or year, set a specific goal to save a desired amount per week, month, or year.
Write it down. We know it's not 1991, but whatever goals you want to achieve, make sure to write it down and visibly post it the old-fashioned way somewhere in your workspace as a constant visual reminder every day. This is actually more effective than being digitally bombarded by notifications and alerts that go ignored (although you want to do this as well to reinforce accountability).
Set realistic goals. When you think about setting goals, make sure that they are within your reach. Be mindful of your finances, schedule, and other personal matters. How many times have I "conveniently" forgotten about family needs and other priorities that weigh heavier, and, as a result, set unrealistic goals I could not manage to achieve? Yeah, been there, often.
As a Business Breakthrough Coach, I have developed more than 100 systems to solve many problems that entrepreneurs could face. The issue we are delving into today is all about You and one’s inner workings that makes one function as a successful and driven entrepreneur; day in, day out.
Wouldn’t anyone prefer a simple three-step solution to making that happen each day; with the path to a renewed You, full of vim, vigor and passion for your business, several notches enhanced with this knowledge?  Then, please read on...

Ø  Create an action plan. Speaking of being realistic, you'll have a much easier time managing the process of completing your goal if you have put down the steps to get there. So, create a timeline with those specific steps that will get you to the promised land. Set deadlines for each step and cross them off as you go. Sometimes just crossing things off and watching your list get smaller can be a huge boost--giving you a sense of accomplishment to keep going.

Ø  Believe in Yourself. Look, sometimes this whole business of achieving goals really comes down to "mindset." If it's a large goal, you need to stay positive about the journey and look at the progress you've already made. Set good boundaries around a positive mindset by sharing your goal with a few close colleagues so they can cheer you on and help keep you on target.

Ø  Be Resilient. Setbacks can, and probably will, happen. When they do, don't get discouraged to the point of giving up. So many of us have the tendency of seeing things in black-and-white, and worse, our perfectionist tendencies to "win at all cost" sometime sabotage the process. So, cut yourself some slack, accept your humanity, bounce back and keep going with a fresh new outlook.
Reward Yourself. You have earned it. Acknowledge your achievements, even the small ones, and make sure to celebrate with those close to you. Reaching a goal takes hard work, and you should be proud of your efforts. Accept the praise and recognition that comes along with it; you deserve it. 
The Only You system will assist you to do just that. Get it for only $52 at
Leave behind the struggling for answers and always tensed entrepreneur and say Hello to a disciplined and confident entrepreneur, overseeing a thriving and successful business.

Looking forward to seeing you in our next blog.

 Be Unique & Successful! 

Please Visit:  www.TheOneYearBreakthrough.Com

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