Monday, March 11, 2019

The Purpose Builder

A Successful Leader Builds a Purposeful Team:
The Purpose Builder

Hello and Welcome!

To lead successfully requires earning the confidence of those who are to be led. Emotions are the universal language. The way emotions are felt is the same in each of us. What triggers our emotion is individual, but if we can feel our pain then we can know what it is like for another to feel their pain. Character and authenticity are core to a leader. To be an exceptional leader we must be able to place ourselves in the shoes of another, and feel what they are feeling.

And for a leader, the biggest motivation to her/his team is to present a clear purpose for their company. A jointly agreed upon mission statement to achieve the company goals together and endeavor to make reaching that goal a truly memorable experience for all involved.

The main ingredient of good leadership is great character. Great leaders are deeply knowledgeable about themselves and committed to their own personal development. To be great we must do the same. The most influential people on Earth, those who have left the most significant impact, led from the heart.

So, the best way to generate that kind of confidence in yourself and gain the respect of your team is to have a precise, laser-focused purpose all the time, which shall make the rest of the actual project tasks enjoyable and attainable. Which is where The Purpose Builder system comes in.

First off, think what it is that one is passionate about, the professional tasks that bring most joy to you. Then, filter these tasks out and know which one of these can you envision doing without tiring of it.

Once you come to understand that you enjoy that task the most then you know that you can do that task very well and much better than anyone else. This step is important as it determines your company’s purpose building on a larger level, once you are thorough with this understanding.

As a Business Breakthrough Coach, I have developed more than 100 systems to solve many problems that entrepreneurs would have. The problem that I want to solve for you today is in building purpose to every step and task assigned to your team and stringently following that as a discipline.  

Wouldn’t you like a simple three-step solution to making that happen daily, with the ability to draw upon this purpose builder solution as a habit to accomplish all the goals that one has set out for one’s business? Sure! you say.

Then, please continue reading...

With the purpose builder in effect, these outlined steps, when made a habit, will exponentially increase the chances of never having to wait for the long-term results as the team knows what is each other’s purpose:

ü Thoroughly analyze what each of the team member’s strengths are. Greater the value-added services the team possesses, the bigger is the bottom line for the company.
ü Really listen to your clients and understand their needs as this will bring further clarity to your purpose building and in the process, client relations will be long lasting and enriched, not just dependent on just mutual gains.

ü Last, remember that the purpose should not just be for the benefit of the company itself. But, the building part of the purpose is to take along the soul of the company, your employees, as well as the beating heart of it, your clientele too.

What the purpose builder does so effectively is it strengthens the core of the company and adds further value while solidifying a culture of goal-oriented purpose building into the very DNA of your company. 

The Purpose Builder system will assist you to do just that. Get it for only $52 at
Leave behind the aimless entrepreneur and meet a Thriving, Purposeful business owner!

Looking forward to seeing you in our next blog.

    Be Unique & Successful! 
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